Monday, August 20, 2012

Tas-mania: Richmond

(Given that the Tasmania visit was nearly a year ago, I should probably finish the posts...)

The Bridge in Richmond

We didn't spend much time in Richmond, so I can't tell you too much about it.  I can tell you that it wasn't a goth living in the basement, helping with IT.  Like much of our Tasmanian adventure, it had a beautiful pastoral feel and we drove up to it via a windy road between green spaces and tempting (but ignored) wineries.

In Richmond is the oldest continually used Roman Catholic church in Australia.  There's also the oldest still used bridge, and handily they were beside each other.

The Catholic Church and Bridge

Adrian spent some time getting good shots of the lovely views, little fellow and I sat around (and given that he was solely mommy-fed at the time, probably he ate).

There was also a very pretty Anglican church there.

We didn't get much time there; it was at the end of an already long day but it was worth the trip and, I think, worth a second trip to see all that Richmond really has to offer.

The Inside of the Catholic Church


  1. I have seen your photos before but it is nice to have a description of the goings-on around them--such lovely pics. HAve you printed/framed any of them? I have to go and accomplish something now--the day is wasting away while I fiddle around on the computer...
    Hugs and love,

  2. Lovely pictures. I like it when lovely things gang up like that so you can catch them. Was driving with Dad this evening and you should have seen the beautiful blue of the bay. There was a man in a rowboat...but I couldn't snap the shot. Would have been worth it though.
